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Cookie Policy

We use cookies and similar technologies on this website and on our mobile applications. We use cookies on our Website to help make your visits more effective so we’d like to explain more about how and why we use them.
Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information, which your computer or mobile device downloads when you visit a website. When you return to websites – or visit websites that use the same cookies – they recognise these cookies and therefore your browsing device.
We use cookies to improve our understanding of how you navigate through our site so we can identify improvements, evaluate our sites’ advertising and promotional effectiveness, and we use both our own (first-party) and partner companies’ (third-party) cookies to support these activities.

The details below relate to the types of cookies used:

# Name Data Domain Reason
1 1stchoice_session eyJpdiI6IlpIV3hWYVhlYz… Session Cookie
2 _ga GA1.2.61493002.1526995292 Google Analytics
3 _gid GA1.2.1793565389.15269… Google Analytics
4 _gat 1 Google Analytics
5 _uetsid _uetcfd217a9 Bing Ads
6 MUID 38F86CF02C4F… Bing Anaytics
7 MUIDB 22F67DDDCBF0… Bing Anaytics

You can control how cookies are placed on your device from within your own browser. You can delete existing cookies from your browser. If you share the use of a computer, accepting or rejecting the use of cookies will affect all users of that computer.
Our website uses Google Analytics, which is a web analytics service provided by Google.
For more information, including details of how to block these cookies specifically, please see

The Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking tag helps us understand how our Bing campaigns perform by tracking actions on our website once ads have been clicked.

Google tracking cookies
Google tracking cookies enable us to understand if you complete certain actions on our website after you have seen or clicked through one of our adverts served via Google. Based on the content you have engaged with on our websites Google are able to deliver some targeted adverts across other Google partner websites.

We embed videos or insert links to videos from YouTube on our website. As a result, when you visit a page with content embedded from or linked to YouTube, you may be presented with cookies from YouTube.